Thursday, May 21, 2009

"The Lord is worthy, then how can it be a waste--speaking of Mary pouring oil on Jesus' feet? He is worthy to be served. He is worthy for me to be His prisoner. He is worthy of me to just live for Him. He is worthy! What the world says about this does not matter."

I just finished the "Normal Christian Life," by Watchman Nee today, it was like a cool drink on a hot Ugandan afternoon!

I can so easily get caught up in the worries of life and forget altogether that it is all about Him and not at all about me or what the world thinks I should be doing with my life. It (my life) was exchanged for His life the moment I placed my trust in Him! And I became a bondservant of the King of kings.

Oh, that I would take more time to just sit at the feet of my Lord.


Anonymous said...

I love Watchman Lee, I have never meet but one other person that knows of him...I knew we were kindred spirits when I found your blog! blessing Shi~

Shauna said...


Shonni said...

I got that book a few months ago, and itkeeps disappearing down to Kalyn's room (though I'm glad that she is such a thoughtful person).
So, now I need to go find it again!!!

Sheila said...

Wow! I too am re-reading The Normal Christian Life (I read it once last year). It truly is a cup of refreshment. Oh that my life would be lived out of such confidence in Christ and His sufficiency!

Sorry I haven't been able to sit down and write you for awhile. Just know you and your family are in my prayers and soon I'll share with you what's going on here.

your sister

Robin said...

That's powerful! I'm gonna use that :-) :-) And try to live it!!

Adeye said...

Just to sit--I long to do it more too!

I read that book so many years ago. I need to read it again.

How is your health, friend? Are you feeling so much better? I think about you often and wonder how your health is.