Saturday, October 4, 2008

hand in hand

"Nevertheless, I am continually with you; You have taken hold of my right hand....the nearness of God is my good (full-measure)." Psalm 73

What is my "good"? Obedient children, a loving husband, money in the savings account...

I pray that truly the nearness of God will be my good, full-measure.

"When he falls...The Lord is the One who holds his hand." Psalm 37:24

I love these promises. I find great comfort, just as my children do, that my Father is holding my hand, keeping me from stumbling.


Austin Maloney said...

You guys are a continual inspiration to us. You are literally following the gospel. Not just giving it lipservice.

Sheila said...

Amen! His promises are my hope! My confidence! And how beautiful that the nearness of my God is my good.

Sheila said...

Summer, I was just outside with the boys and I thought of you. I wonder if you'd share what a typical day in Uganda with your precious little ones looks like? Either by email or on your blog.

Praying for you!