Saturday, October 4, 2008

A day in the life of...

"So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12

My friend asked me to blog about a typical day in our house. Here it is.
7am-mommy awakes and heads straight to the coffee pot.
7:30am-the kids begin to awake from their slumber.

8am-breakfast (typically porridge or pancakes)

8:30am-devotions with daddy. We began reading through the bible as a family over two years ago. We are currently in the middle of the book of Jeremiah!

9 to 9:30am-tidy up the house--make beds, get dressed, etc.

9:30 to 11am-"gaining a heart of wisdom." Eryn has her desk in my room where she is less distracted. She is currently perfecting her reading and math skills.

*The smaller ones are learning their letters, shapes, colors and numbers at their desk in the play room.
*I do a lot of running back and forth!

11am-snack and praying for the world. I have learned that the kids pay attention so well during snack time and so I use it to pour wisdom into their little hearts and minds. We also use this time to learn about creation, science, etc.

Free time until lunch
1:30pm to 3pm-Quiet time. Naps for those that need it. And lots and lots of reading--the kids each choose a a few books of choice and we all cuddle on the couch together.
3pm to 5pm-Outside play

5pm to 7pm-daddy time, dinner, bath and another devotional before bed.

"A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps."

1 comment:

Sheila said...

A full day of pouring out your life! Thanks for sharing it. I think sometimes we veiw those who are missionaries in foriegn places to not be dealing with the day to day service. I like the idea of using snack time to talk/pray about the world... they do like that snack time don't they- it must be universal!

Praying for you!