Sunday, August 8, 2010

Change of plans.

"Many are the plans of a man's heart, but it is the Lords purpose that prevails."  Proverbs 19:21.

I am so glad that the Lord loves us enough to be involved in every detail of our life.  

This past week it finally dawned on us that traveling with eleven children is not only a lot of work, it is expensive.  And although the children are champion travelers, it looks as if our "large family traveling" days are going to be few and far between.

We had planned to turn around and head back down to the city on Tuesday morning {a 7+ hour drive}.  Stay the night near the airport, whereby Zane and the children would travel back home on Thursday morning.  Whew, quite exhausting considering we just made this same journey two days ago.

As of last night, the Lord came up with a better plan!

A short term mission team is flying into our local airstrip {1 hour away} tomorrow afternoon.  The plane will be heading back to the city empty.  So, why not book a flight with them?!  And stay the night with good friends who live 5 minutes from the airport?!

Eryn, Ezekiel and I will be taking a small MAF {Mission Aviation Fellowship} airplane for an hour long flight to their airstrip outside the city {which is located just 30 minutes from our friend's house}.  We get to enjoy Uganda from the sky {a beautiful sight}.  And all at half the price of what it would have cost to drive and stay two nights in a guesthouse.

Trusting in the Lord's "purpose" in these change of plans!


Shonni said...

That sounds so much easier!!!
I am praying for ya’ll

natali said...

yay!! praise GOD you've found a cheaper way! :))

Michelle A said...

Sounds like a great adventure. Praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, amazing Father! I am not surprised at the change of plans at all!.. giggliing actually! Oh enjoy each and every moment of the trip..and Zane we will be praying for you daily! oxo

.The Village Elliot. said...

Thanks so much for sharing your unique experience and path with God!

Kaylin said...

Hey summer. You left a commment on my blog, its Kaylin, When am I coming over. Coming to Uganda? I would love to NOW!!!! Still working on my parents. Don't have an opportunity at this moment. = (
Anyways I saw on your last monthly news letter you were going to be in Oregon this August? REALLY?


Kaylin said...

oh I am so so so so so excited to hopefully be able to see you soon!


laurad said...


What an awesome time saving, $$ saving plan God had for y'all!


adrienne said...

I am just a random visitor to your blog and catch up on it sometimes. i absolutely LOVE what you are doing! moving to Uganda, and adopting children... both of which i hope to do someday. you are an inspiration to me and i'm sure so many others. Thank you for posting your life for the world to see how great our God is! May God's peace surround you always,

John J Sweeney said...

...and of course you'll be flying First Class! Well, there are no other classes, so your class will be first! :-)