Tuesday, July 13, 2010

From the Well Wednesday.

This is the new title of my once only a week post.  

The Lord has clearly shown me that it is time to spend less time "drinking" water that leaves me thirsty and spend more time drinking from the well of the Word that promises to become a spring within!

"Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.  The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."  John 4:13-14

Gods blessing, wisdom and grace as you raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Word.


choose joy said...

Interesting timing of this post...I was coming onto your blog to tell you that just as I am getting to know you and be encouraged by your blog the Lord has led me to withdraw from technology (even more than I already was! I don't even own a cell phone!) My husband is away from our family for 10 of the 12 weeks of summer, as he runs a wilderness camp for at risk youth and one of our children is in a wheelchair/medically fragile etc. so we can't join him. I need extra strength - which comes from Him - through time in His Word. I've already canceled my Facebook account,stopped my blog, and now...will take a break from reading other people's blogs. It's amazing how much time I've already gained in my day! Blessings on your journey, Jennifer

Mama in Uganda said...


I totally understand-as I am right there alongside you! I would love to get to know you more via email, if you have time, email me at transfromedfromglory2glory at gmail dot com.

Blessings from the North,

Tiffany H said...

Timely post for me as well! I have been praying that God would show me how to manage my computer time--needing to respond to e-mails and go online to get some bills, etc. done, but not get sucked into checking up on blogs, reading other stuff, etc. Glad to know that others have similar struggles and that God is leading you as well! We are in the beginning stages of adopting an infant from Ethiopia--we currently have 3 children ages 4 and under. I have appreciated reading your posts and the Biblical wisdom they contain. May God fill you with His Word today! Now I must get off the computer and on to more important things!


Sophie said...

I'm sure your pulled in a million directions with all your children so it's understandable that you need the extra time. I must say I love your posts they are full of wisdom and inspiration.

Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...

God Bless.