Monday, April 26, 2010


I realize that I have not posted in a few days.  Surprisingly I have little to share.  I love, love when the Spirit speaks the deep things of God, however, there has been silence since my last post.  Not a "bad" silence, but rather a "be still and know that I am God" silence.  

The children and I enjoy mornings learning and growing in character and the afternoons putting together puzzles, baking and if it is unbearably hot, watching a movie.

Last Friday was an exciting day.  We traveled 2 hours to a neighboring town, Gulu--mind you it is only 50 miles away, so you can imagine the journey--huge potholes and washboard dirt roads, and this mama drove with all 11 children!  My husband drove a vehicle that was in need of repair which was not safe for the children to travel in.  We had fun talking back and forth on the walkie talkies.  Can you guess the highlight of our trip?

1.  An afternoon at the swimming pool
2.  Beef, chicken and pork platters
3.  A real grocery store

If you guessed number two you are correct.  We had not ate meat for nearly a month and so, by God's provision, we all enjoyed our meat platters!  The children were so fun to watch, there was complete silence as they indulged. 

Life in the North is beginning to feel normal.  Our home is in order.  The children are settled into a routine.  And my husband is beginning to minister outside the home.  He was hand delivered a note this afternoon that was requesting his presence at the church--a man that attended the Sunday service wanted to "confess his sin."  

As I type, a woman from the church is braiding the girls' hair in our living room.  I wish we had a working a camera so that I could post photos.

And, I have cinnamon role dough rising under the warm African sun!


Shonni said...

I'm glad to hear that ya'll are settling in to your new home. And what a treat to get some meat.
Loves to you all,

Robin said...

HI friend!! So glad things are going well! Did you get a new number?????? I need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Big big hugs from Entebbe!!

laura said...

Ah, that's the life!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for being settled! i have caught up on all your postings this morning...So glad to know that you have taken to this new place and pray for God's Blessing in your moment by moment walk as you strive to be a light on the hill!...