Monday, August 31, 2009

Redeem and Rescue

"Help Him to defend the poor, to Rescue the children of the needy, and to crush their oppressors."
"He will Redeem them from oppression and violence for their lives are precious to Him."
Praise the Lord God, who alone does such wonderful things."
*taken from Psalm 72*

Love, love these verses. They have re-sparked the fire in my heart! How could I ever say to the Lord, "we are done?" As long as I am living, I am called to redeem and rescue.


Shonni said...

Yes!!!!! That is right. We are never done with ... as long as we live, we live for HIM!!! Die to us...
I love this!!!!
Thank you for the encouragement.

Adeye said...

Fighting the battle right alongside you, dear friend. I will never be 'done' until the Lord Jesus comes back!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Amen....again and again!

Kathy said...

Thank you for reminding me of God's calling and purpose for my life. May I live so that only Jesus will decide when I am done. May I never "retire" from the work He has called me to do. May I always walk worthy of being a warrior in His army. May my motivation be my love for Him and my gratitude for all He is and all He has done for me. Thank you for living that way, and for challenging the rest of us!

Sarah said...

This is absolutely my favorite psalm. I read it all the time--Our King is a compassionate, just King.

I love how the NASV translates the verse, "their blood is precious in his sight."

Blessings to you!

Michelle A said...

I couldn't agree with you more. Even though we do not feel called to adopt more kids of our own, the Lord has let me join him in releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name by speaking out about the plight of needy children all over the world, especially to His church, on behalf of Compassion International. It is my honor to join Him in awakening the sleeping church to what breaks His heart and to get more children sponsored so that they can have health, an education, hope and a future filled with promise and ultimately a relationship with Him. What an honor to have such a fire in my heart and to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves! I stand with you sister!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I have been absent for a bit...I have missed all the trials you have been under lately...Silly ppl..what do they think?'s hard to say..perhaps jelaous spurs them to question and harasse you?..Whatever their is surly evident that God has blessed you with the most wonderful family and a chance to heal and love on the broken childen of this world!...A long time ago in a far off place my husband and I put this verse on our son's memorial card for his funeral...and I know you know it well also...Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not...! take comfort in this verse, as I know you do..and be blessed as He chooses you to be!...I am one of those who are jealous of your job for Christ...But in a most honorable way...Sending daily prayers and thougth for your family...Shi~