Saturday, August 13, 2011

Various miracles!

"God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles..."  Hebrews 2:4

Our life, as a family of fifteen, living and ministering in the remote region of Northern Uganda is a  daily walk in faith.  Our health, our physical needs and our protection is all in the hands of our merciful God.

Many of you know that this walk in faith recently led us to come out from under our initial sending organization {after serving with them for 6+ years}.  However, in order to live in the country, as foreigners, we had to be with an established organization.  This led us to start our own non-profit company within the country. 

And so the miracles began!

The month we submitted our paperwork, the government passed a law that all foreigners"working" in the country had to register with or as an NGO.  We were attempting to register as a non-profit company.  We moved ahead in faith, and in prayer...

God worked a miracle and the immigration board approved our company aimed at reaching out to rural farmers in Northern Ugadna.  In fact, we were the last foreigners to be registered in this way.

Next, we had to apply for work permits under this new non-profit company.  However, yet another new law was being passed--any foreigner living in the country, changing work permits {remember, we had been in the country with another organization} would have to leave the country for six months while their new work permits were being processed.  WHAT?  There was no way we would leave our Ugandan children and return to America for six months. And even if they let me stay, there was no way I would live alone with thirteen children for six months.  Again, we moved ahead in faith, and in prayer...

Rumors were swirling around the missionary community.  Applications were being denied.  Families were leaving for the required six months.  Special passes were being back dated and charged accordingly. 

BUT, our work permits were approved!  We watched as the Lord provided the financial means for both our back dated special passes and our THREE YEAR work permits--the government has only been issuing two year work permits.  And, they were released the day before Zane left for America.

Our "various miracles" are now the talk among those working with immigration on behalf of missionaries.

Thank you for praying with us, as we asked many of you to intercede at the beginning of the year specifically for our non-profit/work permits.

~Rejoice with us as we praise the Lord for working a miracle~


Danielle said...

Praise the Lord!

How wonderful!!

Thinking of and praying for you and your family:)

Bethany W. said...

God is good!

the Rackley family said...

Praising God with you!!

Shonni said...

Amen and praise the LORD, sweet friend...HE is leading you each day!!