Thursday, April 21, 2011

It was the first time they heard.

“The harvest in plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field.  Go!”  Luke 10:2
We are continually amazed at how the Lord is using our children to open up doors for the preaching of the gospel.  Not to mention our amazement that there are still villages that have never even heard the gospel.  
Truly, the harvest is plentiful.

This past weekend proved to be yet another opportunity for the gospel to reach the un-reached, by way of a child.

Our son Eli is from a village not far {1 hour} from Lotodore Christian Fellowship.    Zane was able to track down his clan last month.  Promising to bring Eli back for a visit--  Eli was placed in an orphanage as an infant, after the death of his mother, and no one had bothered to visit him during that time.

This reunion proved to be emotional, yet rewarding.  Although Eli has since forgotten his biological family, he was very respectful.  He is pictured above with his gift, a nice looking rooster!

God had much more planned than a reunion, however.  Zane was able to share with the people why we desire to raise Eli as our own son and why it is we live in Northern Uganda.  The people sat stunned as they heard the good news of Jesus Christ for the first time.  The local chairman even asked Zane to come back on the third of May to share with more of the villagers.  Please pray with us for the people of Akilok village.  
“To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.”  Acts 26:18

We are so grateful for your ongoing prayers, as together we labor to reach the people of Northern Uganda with the Word of God


"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Crying tears of JOY with you!!! Oh my how God turns everything for HIS GLORY!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!! Praying for more harvesting!

Michelle A said...

This is SO God!! Thank you for sharing with us. God bless you all!

Unknown said...

"and a little child shall lead them..."