Friday, December 3, 2010

An eleven year old raises money for Bibles.

A neat young lady heard about the ministry here in Northern Uganda, among the Acholi people, and felt a heavy burden to get them bibles in their native tongue.  She raised more than $300.  Two weeks ago the "Bible House" in the city received a new shipment of Acholi Bibles.  We were able to purchase 75.

Here is the first recipient of a bible.

She was once a brewer of alcohol.  

Now she is a child of the King, excited to read the Word of God for the first time!

Please pray for wisdom as we distribute Gods word.  That hearts would hunger for the Truth.


Anonymous said...


Randy and Angie said...

Praise God!!!

Shonni said...

That’s wonderful!!!!!!!!!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got goosebumps!!! PRAISING GOD :)

Hanna said...
