Saturday, October 9, 2010

Photo of the Landcruiser!

Forgive me, its a 14 passenger {15 if you include the driver}.

P.S. Please continue to pray that we sell our old cruiser so we can pay this one off!


All4HisGlory said...

THAT is the coolest Landy I have ever seen! What a blessing!!! I will continue praying for a buyer for the white one!

Gary and Michelle said...

Looks great. Praise the Lord for his provision for your family.


lauradodson said...

We were all discussing your new cruiser on the way out of town this weekend. Caleb asked if it was like the taxis and now I can say NOPE it is fully awesome and waaay better than the taxis.

Thank you Jesus.

Unknown said...

I was so excited to see th picture! That's just awesome!!