Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Being "spent" for the sake of their souls.

"I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls."  
2 Corinthians 12:15

Words from a man who truly "spent" his life for the sake of souls.

Spent in the original language is ekdapanao,
"to expend wholly" or "exhaust."

How much am I willing to "spend and be spent" for my children's souls?

Would I, like Paul, be willing to suffer in...
false accusations
sleepless nights
exposure to cold

*If you read through both 1 and 2 Corinthians, these are all things that Paul suffered for the sake of the Corinthian people's souls.

I have learned, that adoption {parenting} is more, much more, than providing a child with three hot meals, warm clothes and a soft bed.  It is about being "exhausted" for their souls.

angry outbursts
confusing behaviors
demonic oppression
lack of attachment
spiritual warfare

"I was so utterly burdened beyond my strength that I despaired of life itself.  Indeed, I felt that I had received the sentence of death.  But that was to make me rely not on myself but on God...

On Him I have set my hope."

Oh dear mama's.  Let us commit to being spent, for the sake of our children's souls.

*The same can be said of why we are here in Northern Uganda.  
Allowing our lives to be spent for the sake of the Acholi peoples souls.  Although, I would never begin to compare our lives/ministry to that of Paul's!


We Are Family said...

God bless you my friend! I cannot imagine what your days consist of. Continued prayer!

Chuck and Anita said...

I am somewhat new to your blog but follow you faithfully. I am raising children a second time around in my life. I became a widow at age 21 with 2 boys under 5 and now after many, many years :) God has blessed me with a new life and a new husband and two more children (that doesn't sound like much compared your family and others I am following but it feels like a lot for me to handle some days! ) We adopted our youngest from Ethiopia. We are inspired and refreshed to see your family and the work that God has called you to do. You and your family are in our prayers daily. Just wanted you to know you are touching lives of people you don't know or may never meet.

Mama in Uganda said...


I am blessed by your words of encouragement!

From the North,

love2bmom said...

Love this post. Think of you often, and am loving seeing how the family picture has changed since I have been reading your blog!!

Laurel said...

Good words! We are definitely walking through TOUGH parenting with one of our adopted children, as well.

junglemama said...

You continue to be an inspiration. Thank you and big hugs!

Michelle A said...

Thank you for the wise words and the beautiful picture! May the Lord fill you with joy in all situations as you are faithful in your actions, leaving the results to Him. I look forward to hearing more about your ministry to the Acholi when you have time! Thank you for your love and faithfulness to our Lord!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

LOVE this encouragement!!

Shonni said...

Beautiful and I love that scripture...it always encourages me!!

JG said...

This spoke to me today, too, though I don't have children. I have a dear friend that I am praying will come to the Lord and am learning how to "spend and be spent" for her. Thanks for the encouragement.

Mama Jocelyn said...

Amen, amen, amen!

choose joy said...

Amen to this post! My husband has been a faith missionary for 18 years always working with the oppressed and downtrodden (not just spiritually, but economically and socially). What a battle! Our children's battles have been nothing compared to what we've seen in his ministry. We are preparing to adopt another child from foster care but this time a teen. Oh the comments I have heard! (only from Christians, our non-Christian friends say things like, "Well, isn't that what God would expect you to do?" Um, well, yes, actually it IS exactly what God expects!) I am often blessed by II Corinthians 5:15, "And He died for all ,so that all those who live might live no longer to and for themselves, but to and for Him Who died and was raised again for their sake."
Many blessings on you and your husband as you wage war against the enemy for the sake of precious souls, Jennifer