Monday, September 27, 2010

Never to be "revoked" again.

"And no one can snatch you out of My hand."  John 10:29

What a beautiful promise.

One that can never be "revoked" 

{revoked: to put an end to the validity of a promise}.

This Thursday, Zane and Ephraim will be standing before a judge so that a previous court order can be revoked.  This will open the door for us to finally begin the steps to legally make Ephraim our son, forever.  

I was talking to Ephraim about what is going to take place.  I assured him, through tears, that we are his mommy and daddy forever--"no one will snatch him out of our hand."

A promise we have made to each of our children.

The same promise the Lord makes to His children.

Please pray with us for this court hearing {this Thursday at 9am}.  

There is a chance that it could change the history of adoption in this country {in a negative way}.  

Pray for the three judges and the decision that will be set before them.

And that the Lord would have His way in the life of our precious son.


isabelle said...

Praying for you and your sweet boy. That he will legally become your son, that it will be legally confirmed what is already in your hearts and has been for so long! He looks so tall now!!!
Love to you all.

We Are Family said...


Shonni said...

I will be in prayer for you all!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Will be praying!!!

Anonymous said...

So precious....

Unknown said...

Praying for your precious children ;)

~walkbyfaith~ said...

Will be praying!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, no wonder I have not heard back from you!..You are there already, I pray the outcome was for this beautiful child of God to be legally your forever...! Can not wait to hear how God has moved in this too! oxoxo Blessing on you Ephraim. from the Kowings!!!

laurad said...

just saw this and see that it is after 3pm in Ug...praying all went well.

melissa said...

hi summer! I am currently living in Jinja, Uganda right now with my husband.. I was wondering if I could have your email address to ask you a few questions my email is


praying for ephraim and your family!