Monday, September 20, 2010

I had it all wrong. The Lord set me straight.

"your heart is not right before God."  Acts 8:21

My greatest joy in parenting is seeing my children receive the gospel with gladness, repent of their sins and become right with God. 

Proverbs says that a rebellious child is a grief to his/her mother.  I have found this to be my greatest sorrow in parenting.

We have two "toughies" in our home.  

At times their lying, stealing, deception, etc draws me into a pit of despair.  

I often cry out for their salvation.

Last night was different.  

As I was praying for these two "toughies," the Lord revealed to me that I had it all wrong.  

I was praying for their salvation so that my life might become a little easier.  Surely if they were born again they would begin telling the truth.  Be kind and respectful.  Which means I would spend less time throughout the day disciplining.

A selfish reason indeed.

These two children do not need salvation for the sake of making mama's day easier, these two children need salvation so that they will be right with God!

I had it all wrong.

The Lord set me straight.  


Marsha said...

Been there....done that....ouch.

laura said...

oh good good. i was in bed last night thinking of our oldest son and his lack of desire to follow Christ---and yet he says "he's saved" because he "prayed a prayer in 5th grade". *sigh*

i ended up getting out of bed, finding him, hugging him and telling him how much i love him and encouraged him to seek the Lord while He can be found.

I know he is in God's hands, and there is nothing I can say or do that will reap a harvest like the Holy Spirit. I must continue standing firm and point him to Jesus, [and PRAY] but the rest is in the hand's of God.

He needs LIFE in Christ. not for me, but for his forgiveness [payment of his debt] of sin, and abundant living here on earth, and for eternity with the Lord in the hereafter.

I am sad for him...he is missing so much!

Shonni said...

I’ve done this also....
would love to write more, but we are doing back to work.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Wow- oh I am convicted by the Spirit- Thank You....tough words I NEEDED to hear today!

JG said...

Well, I don't have a parenting perspective, but I can relate. I have a friend who I care dearly for, and she and her family are members of a cult. And the Lord has really put a burden for her on me like I have not had in a very long time. Anyway, I was over at her house the other day and it's always a little (well, a lot) tense over there. And I thought, oh, if they were only Believers, their marriage would be so much better and their family would be so much better off...and while those are definitely good things to hope for, I had to remind myself that that's not "why" she/they need Christ. Definitely helped my motives and motivation.

Cathy said...

So true.

Sometimes, as Christians, we apply this slightly warped principle to whole communities. If God sent revival, wouldn't life be so much easier! None of those pesky unbelievers to mess things up!

In reality, of course, salvation is often the beginning of a work of healing which outwardly (certainly in adults sometimes) can make things more difficult before they become easier. When God is doing a deep work, it can be messy.

Of course, God is already ministering to your children through you. Even before they meet Jesus. Nothing is wasted. (But I'm sure you know that already!)

Melissa said...

Miss you too love. Been in a funk here, and I can't seem to shake it. Pray for me as I continue to pray for you.

Goodness and Mercy Mom said...

Yes, I've prayed the same prayers and cried the same tears. (I just posted some similar feelings on my blog.) And I have to tell you, once those lost sheep finally realize the need for a Savior, there is truly no greater joy.

Praying for you, your precious family, and your inspiring ministry.

Much Love,

acceptance with joy said...


Awesome post. I know I am/ have been guilty of that, because, frankly, I don't enjoy the un -Christlike shenanigans - I find out that I have some un-Christlike responses coming out of my heart. I don't like to know that I am not perfect either.