Monday, August 2, 2010

"going out"

“The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore."  Psalm 121:8

Part of the sacrifice we made when moving to Africa was "leaving father and mother {family}."  And although it has certainly gotten easier over the years, probably due to the fact that I am busy with twelve children, there are moments where I desire to spend time with family.

"The Lord gives you the desire of your heart."

A few months ago we were trying to figure out how I could travel back to the states {it has been three years since our last visit}. However, it was clear that the finances were just not there. We left it at the Lord's feet and trusted His perfect timing/provision.

Early one morning, I got a call from my mother, she said that an anonymous giver wanted to pay the airfare for myself and two children--$6,000!

We leave next week.

Due to the fact that we live 17 hours {round trip} from the US Embassy {and our Ugandan children require multiple trips to acquire a visa/travel documents}, I am taking Eryn and Ezekiel along for the journey.

Would you join me in prayer as I leave Zane and the children for three weeks.  That the Lord would strengthen Zane.  That the children would be kept safe.  And that the time away would be refreshing.

What a promise Psalm 121 brings to my soul as I "go out."

P.S. For those who have sent "love gifts" to my parents address, I am humbled beyond words.  My mother said their extra bedroom is full of parcels.  I am so excited to see all the little "blessings" that I get to bring back for the children. 


Marsha said...

I will be praying for you and your family, Summer! What a blessing! Not many men that would commit to managing 9 kids for three weeks!

Mama in Uganda said...


He is an amazing father to our little brood. Just yesterday he said, "maybe we just need to keep taking in more children!"

Hugs from the North,

Mama in Uganda said...


He is an amazing father to our little brood. Just yesterday he said, "maybe we just need to keep taking in more children!"

Hugs from the North,

natali said...

that is awesome! as i prepare to leave to move to Mali i can only imagine how much missionaries long for family and how much i will long for mine every now and then when i'm there. the things we do for Jesus :))
praying for a safe and restful trip and for your husband and the kids back at home in Uganda.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

YEAH!!!! Will definitely pray for your trip and those that will be home :)

Unknown said...

So excited! :)