Honestly, on days like this I wonder. Wouldn't a cozy little cabin tucked in the mountains of Oregon, a nice mountain bike and a jogging stroller leaning up against the side of the shed and coffee shop and a few good friends just down the hill be "the life?" It used to be.
But then I remember, "My life is not my own. I was bought at a price."
"Real life" now. A small three bedroom house and soon to be 10 children. A septic system that frequently overflows right outside my bathroom window. A pantry that rarely contains more than a couple cans of tomato sauce and a few tins of oatmeal (thought we NEVER go hungry). And soon we will move all of this with us to be poured out for the sake of His love, His hope and His redemption to the people of a once war torn, forgotten corner of North East Uganda, both un-reached and untouched by the salvation that is freely available to them in Jesus Christ. I wouldn't change it for the world.

praying for your healing, sweet sister!
I would love for you to do a post that's a tour, so to speak, of your home. It would be cool to see how and where you live. Just an idea. :)
Oh my friend--you certainly are right where He needs you to be--making a profound difference in the life of MANY! I know the journey cannot be easy. But just look what He is doing in and through you. It is a beautiful sight to behold.
WOW! Thanks for sharing your heart in this post because all of us here in america have those comforts that your dreaming or thinking about on probably rough days and yet here you are doing something amazing for the kingdom of God...what your doing is far greater than any comfort we could ever have! Take courage my friend in every situation there for you're being used mightily by our God! Thanks for letting Him use you and letting us watch and go along on your journey!
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him that brings good tidings, that publishes peace; that brings good tidings of good, that publishes salvation; that said to Zion, Your God reigns!
Isaiah 52:7
You are beautiful and your "home" is beautiful... the one you dwell in now and the one Jesus is preparing for you in His kingdom...
Thank you for being faithful in serving the Lord. I will be praying for your health and for your family as well as those the Lord is ministering to through your family.
Your Sister in Christ Jesus,
Yes. We are bought with a price! We were worth so much to God - it is a privilege to have our lives not our own! I will pray as you go to the Acholi, to bring God's love and hope to such a hopeless place. Blessings!
WOW!! Is that the village?? It's beautiful there!
Praying for you friend. Hope the probiotics start to work quickly!
Thanks so much for your honesty! I am always so encouraged after I read your blog!! Thank you for the sweet reminder of what our calling, our life is supposed to look like! What will your home consist of in Northern Uganda?? Just curious:)
Praying for complete healing and that God will show you what you can do to take good care of yourself so you can care for your husband and children with great joy!
Thank you for writing this post.I needed to read it.
You are right,our lives are not our own.I had lost focus of this lately.
I hope you are feeling better.
I love the joy that you have in Christ! I is contagious!
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