Saturday, November 14, 2009

Amy Carmichael--a hero of the Faith!

"I prayed to the Lord and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened; He saved me from all my troubles....Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!" Pslam 34

I was recently blessed with a basket full of Amy Carmichael's books. To say that I am blessed is an understatement. Yesterday, my awesome husband took all the kids (minus Enoch who is sick with an infection) to the city to buy new tires--imagine a man walking in the tire store with seven little ones in tow!!! I asked the kids what they did for 2 hours while they waited...."we watched a big t.v." What were they showing, I asked hesitently? "Well, there was no sound but the show was all about animals." Thank you Lord for protecting my kids from any evil that could have been on that t.v..

While the house was quiet, I spent the afternoon reading one of my new A.C. books titled, "God's Missionary." It was all that I needed to hear. I believe that we can so easily get off course. Even justifying that the "course" we have veared onto is not evil or sinful. However, if it is not God's "course" then this verse becomes true, "the good you know you ought to do and don't, it is sin." I mentioned in a previous post that the Lord has slowly been taking things away from me this year--to the narural mind they were not wrong, but the Lord saw fit that I remove them from my life--in order to get me back on His "course."

I believe that my illness (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) is partly due to the fact that I have gotten off"course." I began to trust in myself in areas that belong to the Lord alone. I took on burdens that I was never meant to carry. I feared things that I had no control over. How thankful I am for the "joy of taking refuge in the Lord."



"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Praying for more clear guidance as you continue to seek HIM.

Shonni said...

Perfectly said and so true. I must look into that book and A. Carmichael is one of my favorites.

Naomi said...

You really are being used by the Lord to minister to me!!!

I will email you and I have added you to my blog! Thank you!!!

Adeye said...

I Love A.C!!!!

How wonderful that your heart is being encouraged, dear friend.

Bethany W. said...

You know how you are always offering ideas for my fatigue and pain? Well, now it's my turn... have you had your Vitamin D tested? I am now taking 5,000IU/Day and I have no joint pain at all, and my fatigue is probably that of most 9 months pregnant women! (And I take SuperMom Vitamins!)

Lots of love,